We were so pleased to have our program director, Kathy Burgett, speak at the launch of United Way of the Alberta Capital Region's winter fundraising campaign. She shared some stories of how Norwood's programs and services - and through them, Edmonton families - benefit from United Way funding.
Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre and United Way Alberta Capital Region have been partners in supporting vulnerable Edmonton families for nearly 60 years!
United Way helps fund Norwood's Parent Respite Program, our unique program for parents who are alone, have little or no support in caring for their children, and often can't afford safe care. Parents walk through our doors for many different reasons - in some cases, that few hours of respite care gives a parent the chance to make a job interview or attend a counselling session or sometimes just take a shower and have a nap!
Our staff are educated in early child development and understand the magnitude of creating a safe, nurturing environment for the children who come into our care. United Way funding has helped us provide good wages to hire the best staff in our childcare communities.
We are also able to provide nutritious meals for the children we care for ... when sometimes their parents have to alternate between buying meat and fresh produce each week because they can't afford to buy both.
Our Parent Respite Program is intended for those needing immediate support, but the impact is life-changing for these children and their families!