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Our approach to providing services to children, families and communities
is grounded in philosophies that are preventative in nature
recognizes the parent as the expert for their family's well-being
draws from families' strengths to create the conditions necessary for self-sufficiency and optimal child development.
Start with a conversation with one of our helpful, professional Intake Facilitators: Call 780-471-3737.
Mental Health Therapist
Families who are participating Norwood programs and services can access the on-site Mental Health Therapist (in partnership with the Family Centre).
Ongoing sessions: Short-term counselling is available at Norwood Centre for Norwood Centre participants, for up to 6-8 sessions. Access this service through your Family Support Worker, or through our Intake Facilitators at 780-471-3737.
Rapid Access counselling: 1-hour drop-in or scheduled sessions. These sessions are for all community members, through the Family Resource Network model. Contact Intake to schedule and book appointments, or drop-in on the day.
Thursdays, between 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. These appointments can be made in advance and are scheduled for one hour
Postpartum Support Group: Welcoming a new child can be difficult. This postpartum depression support group, offered through a partnership with The Family Centre, is designed to empower parents with knowledge, skills, and support needed to assist them on this journey. We look to provide a comfortable, safe, and judgment free space where parents are able to receive therapeutic support and speak about their personal experiences with postpartum challenges.
To register for the Postpartum Support Group please connect with our Mental Health Therapist by speaking with an Intake Facilitator at 780-471-3737.
Norwood participants can access our Parent Respite Program while attending on-site mental health appointments (MHT), if there is availability.
Community Health Nurse
Norwood Centre has an on-site registered nurse that provides health related support, education and consultation. The nurse is available to support referrals to Alberta Health Services programs, clinics and services, provide letters of advocacy, and facilitate education opportunities for staff and participants.
Health for Two
Health for Two provides support throughout pregnancy and up to 2 months postpartum to people who require extra support to have a healthy pregnancy. Services are in-person and include:
education on pregnancy, birth, baby care and parenting (including pregnancy and parenting options)
support and referrals to community supports (such as maternity care, mental health, addictions, housing, food security)
resources may include grocery coupons and prenatal vitamins
bus tickets for doctor appointments
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
Curious about your child's development? Do an ASQ!
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is a parent completed tool that gives information about a child's development. Parents fill out the questionnaire that asks questions around the key developmental areas, based on their child's age, and a Norwood Centre staff member guides the parents through the results.
The results help parents and professionals identify areas of strength as well as areas that need more focus and, most importantly, celebrate the milestones the child achieves as they grow and learn. This tool relies on you as the expert about your child.

Based on the answers that you have provided Norwood Centre's program staff can recommend fun, play-based activities that will target development areas that may need further support, or make referrals as needed.
There are two kinds of questionnaires:
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3)
This provides you information about your child across five developmental areas:
gross motor
fine motor
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ: SE-2)
This provides you information about your child’s social and emotional development.
The questionnaires are most effective if they are done regularly. It is recommended that parents complete the questionnaire every 4 months in their child's first two years of life, and every 6 months until they reach the age of 5.
Talk to a Norwood Centre program staff member today if you are interested in completing an Ages and Stages Questionnaire for your child!