The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is a parent completed tool that gives information about a
child's development. Parents answer questions around the key developmental areas, based on their child's age, and a Norwood Centre staff member guides the parents through the results.
Children do not develop at the same pace, and this tool can be used to track a child’s progress, and ensure they are developing in all of the areas they need in order to reach their fullest potential.
The results help parents and professionals identify areas of strength as well as areas that need more focus and, most importantly, celebrate the milestones the child achieves as they grow and learn. This tool relies on you as the expert in your child’s life.
Based on the answers that you have provided Norwood Centre's program staff can recommend fun, play-based activities that will target development areas that may need further support, or make referrals as needed.
There are two kinds of questionnaires:
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3)
This provides you information about your child across five developmental areas:
gross motor
fine motor
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ: SE-2)
This provides you information about your child’s social and emotional development.
The best way to track development with these tools, is to complete the questionnaires regularly. It is recommended that parents complete the ASQ-3 every 4 months in their child's first 2 years of life, and every 6 months until they reach the age of 5. The ASQ: SE-2 can be completed every 6 months.
Talk to a Norwood Centre program staff member today if you are interested in completing an Ages and Stages Questionnaire for your child!
At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.