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- Hear Me Out: Effective Communication
Learn more about effectively communicating with your child. Topics include: how to listen to your child as well as how to talk with your children so they listen.
- Setting Boundaries and Limits
Together with other parents, learn tips to support setting up rules, limits, boundaries, and realistic expectations for you and your child.
- Understanding Separation Anxiety
Learn why your child might be feeling separation anxiety, and tips to support both yourself and your child through it.
- Learning Happens Everywhere
Learn why your child might be feeling separation anxiety, and tips to support both yourself and your child through it.
- TEST-Exploring Emotions
Discuss challenges, and successes in navigating emotional development of children. Participants will learn more about their child’s emotions including how to talk to children, how to teach children about emotions, and how to support children through their emotions.
- Handle With Care
The Handle with Care group focuses on supporting children’s mental health. We focus on four building blocks, including attachment, relationships with others, expressing emotions, and promoting self-esteem.