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  • Family Picture Day at Norwood Centre

    Norwood is hosting a free family picture day on November 16th!! 😊 We have a professional photographer coming in to take photos, as well as edit them. She will send these photos back to us when they are ready, and we will send them to each family. And guess what? We are able to open this day up to all of our families by providing outdoor timeslots for those who are not yet vaccinated. When: November 16th, 2021 – 2:00pm - 7:00pm Where: Norwood Multi-Purpose Room and outside, in the park beside the building Registration: With reception at 780-471-3737 by November 15, 2021 Each family will have a 15-minute time slot. Outdoor timeslots are available from 2:00pm - 3:45pm; indoor timeslots are available from 4:15pm - 6:45pm. Please arrive five minutes early for your family's photo shoot. We are excited to see you all there!

  • Free online workshops for Financial Literacy Month

    November is Financial Literacy Month, estabished by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), part of Canada's federal government. During this month, FCAC works with organizations across Canada - like Norwood - to host events and share resources aimed at helping Canadians understand their finances and empowering them to manage their money, save, and know their financial rights and responsibilities. In support of Financial Literacy Month, Norwood Centre is offering two free online workshops in November: Benefits and Credits for All Learn more about the benefits and programs available to help you build a solid financial foundation: Canada Child benefit, Child Disability Benefit, Disability Tax Credit, GST, Canada Workers Benefit, Climate Action Incentive, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) Tuesday, November 16 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Income Tax Basic Concepts This workshop will help you better understand Canada's tax system and what you need to file your taxes, walking through the different areas of a tax return like net income, taxable income, deductions, non-refundable tax credits, total payable, etc. Tuesday, November 23 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm To register for one or both of these free financial literacy workshops, call 780-471-3737.

  • Four great benefits of outdoor play

    Outdoor activities are essential for children's development, but children are spending less time outdoors mostly due to a focus on structured, academic-oriented activities and an overabundance of screen-based entertainments. Outdoor play provides a great many benefits for children past the basics of fresh air and sunshine. It: improves physical development: ie, physical coordination and movement of the body. When children play outdoors, they increase their ability to balance, jump, climb, throw, run and skip. improves social development: children gain social skills by interacting, collaborating, and negotiating with others. increases imagination: children can pretend to be anything they want; for example, to be a bear in the wild or a chef in the kitchen. increases knowledge of and appreciation for the natural world: children learn about the natural elements and their surroundings when they are outside. So grab your and your child's shoes and get outside for a while every day. Whether you explore your back yard or head to your local playground, both of you will benefit: outdoor time is great for grownups too!

  • Learning through play: 6 things to do with your child

    From the Head Start team Children are naturally curious and eager to learn about the world around them. Through play, they have the opportunity to discover, explore and be creative. To help your child be successful, provide them with plenty of play time - this includes you and them playing together! Play develops important skills and behaviors in early childhood. Activities you and your child can do together: Read to your child every day - even if it means reading the same book more than 100 times. It takes more than 5,000 "reads" to become a reader. Ask your child about the books you read together, using questions like " Why did you like the story?', " Which story is your favorite?" and "What do you think is going to happen next?" Play board games, puzzles and card games like 'Go Fish'. Get hands on using playdough, finger paints, beads and blocks. Bake together! Make cookies or muffins or your whatever your family's favourite snack is. Visit the playground often so your child can meet other children and stay physically active. Use art materials like crayons, paints, play dough, scissors and paper to encourage creative expression. Praise your child's drawings, paintings, and writings, and put them up on the fridge or around the house to show you value their work. Remember to follow your child's lead - what are they interested in, what do they want to do, and how do they want to use the materials around them?!

  • Join us for National Child Day!

    Join us here at Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre on November 20, 2021 to celebrate National Child Day! We'll be eating blue pancakes and drinking blue lemonade reading two stories: The Wonderful Things You Will Be and Awasis and the World-Famous Bannock creating costumes from paper bags and fun gel sensory bags dancing, doing yoga and playing either in a special indoor play space or on our outdoor playground, depending on weather If you can't join us in person, call in and ask for your kit so you can join us virtually. Kits include meal ingredients and all supplies needed to do home activities along with the group at Norwood Centre. To ensure we have the right amount of food and supplies, we require all attendees to register by calling 780-471-3737. Hope to see you on November 20!

  • Free flu shots at Norwood - October 22

    What: FREE On-Site Flu Vaccination Shots, courtesy of MedX Drugs Where: Norwood Child & Family Resource Centre 9516 114 Avenue, Edmonton, AB When: Friday, October 22, 2021 from10:00 -11:00 am Who: Everyone over the age of 9 years old (staff, participants, community members, friends, and family members) How: Book a slot by calling Norwood reception at 780-471-3737 with the following information for each person: first and last name whether the slot is for an adult or a child (under 18) Alberta Health number - each person, whether an adult or child, must have their own number phone number and email address When you arrive: Wear a mask (mandatory). Have your Alberta Health card (and Alberta Health cards for any children you bring). Sign in at reception and wait for your name to be called. If you have to cancel your appointment, please call 780-471-3737 and let us know. Someone else can use your spot. #vaccination #flu_shot #vaccine #vaccinations

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day - September 30

    On September 30, we wear orange shirts and set aside time to reflect on Canada's legacy of residential schools for Indigenous children. For over 150 years, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation children were taken from their families and communities to attend residential schools, often located far away from their homes. More than 150,000 children attended such schools; many never returned. Many of Norwood's families have faced intergenerational trauma as a result of one or more family members' experiences at residential schools. At 9:30 am, in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Norwood Centre will be holding a smudge for all Norwood participants and staff in our Multipurpose Room. We will share our intentions for the day, allow space and time for each other, and honour those who experienced residential schools. A gentle way to introduce smaller children to the topic of residential schools is this video/reading of ‘Phyllis’s Orange Shirt’ – an adaptation of the book written by Phyllis Webstad, whose recounting of her experience at a residential school led to the Orange Shirt Day movement (now also the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation). From the book’s introduction: Phyllis’s Orange Shirt is an adaptation of Phyllis Webstad’s beautiful book, The Orange Shirt Story, for a younger audience (ages 4 – 6). In order to make The Orange Shirt Story accessible and appropriate for this young age group, the story has been simplified, shortened and given a rhyming scheme. Additionally, some of the pictures have been replaced by gentler images. This book was made with Phyllis and has her enthusiastic approval, and we are excited to present it to you. To gain complete information on the impacts of residential schools in Canada, please visit the website of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at We hope you will take some time from your day to spend some time learning more about this aspect of Canada's history and taking your own steps toward truth and reconciliation.

  • Norwood Centre will be open September 30 to support our Indigenous families

    Earlier this year, the Government of Canada passed legislation to make September 30th a federal statutory holiday: The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. They did this in response to Call to Action 80 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action: We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process. While Norwood Centre’s leadership absolutely recognizes the need for and value of a day for commemorating and reflecting upon the harm caused by residential schools, we also believe this may be one of the days many of our families need us most. Our Centre will remain open, with all programs and services running, should this day bring up some unexpectedly intense emotions for any of our families. Our parent respite program, in particular, provides a safe, welcoming and fun place for children to be should parents need a temporary break to take care of themselves. Anyone requiring support can call 780-471-3737 and be connected with our Intake Team. These compassionate and knowledgeable professionals will connect individuals with appropriate support resources, either within Norwood Centre or elsewhere in our community. Orange Shirt Day September 30 is also annual Orange Shirt Day, which is “an opportunity to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind. A discussion all Canadians can tune into and create bridges with each other for reconciliation. A day for survivors to be reaffirmed that they matter, and so do those that have been affected. Every Child Matters, even if they are an adult, from now on." (Orange Shirt Day website). Norwood Centre staff will be wearing orange shirts on September 30 to honour residential school survivors and will encourage all our program participants to do the same. About Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre (Norwood) has been a community hub for children and families since 1963. Norwood responds to a wide variety of family circumstances and provides free, culturally diverse programming throughout Edmonton. We nurture trusting relationships, empower families to access resources and services, and support optimal child development. Norwood is a safe gathering place that brings individuals together with a focus on prevention and early intervention to support healthy, well-functioning families. For more information on Norwood’s response to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, contact: Kathy Burgett Program Director 780-471-3737 For support, contact: Norwood Reception 780-471-3737

  • Yoga for your child's mind and body.

    Did you know that yoga and meditation are good for your child’s mind, body, and soul? Through yoga, children are developing the large muscles in their bodies, the ability to regulate their emotions and their spatial awareness (being aware of the space one’s body takes up). Did you also know that there are short yoga lessons for children that you can find on YouTube? Here are some you can try: At Home Yoga for Kids w/ PAW Patrol, Bubble Guppies & Team Cosmic Kids Yoga - Back to School 1-2-3 (a short video to help children stay calm and relaxed as they go back to school!) Rainbow Yoga with Adriene

  • Let's Play: The Sound Game

    You can help your child build their working memory, language skills, and self-control with this fun game! How to Play: Find a few objects from around your house - for example, a comb, a glass, a book, keys Have your child look carefully at all the objects, then tell them to close their eyes or even gently blindfold them so they can't see either you or the items Pick up one of the objects and make a sound with it - for example, run your fingers along the comb, tap the glass, open the book and fan the pages Ask your child to guess which item made the sound. Let them know if they are correct, or if they should guess again. You can give hints if they find it too difficult. Be creative and have fun with different items and sounds! What children learn from this game: Working memory: Remembering objects in play Attention: Playing close attention to sounds and connecting sounds to objects Language skills: Learning about new objects and the sounds they make; using language to describe sounds and objects. Self-control: Guessing without peeking! Credit to: Building Brains Together |

  • Getting eye-level with your child

    One easy and often overlooked strategy to use when communicating with very young children is to simply get down to the child’s level. This means crouching, kneeling or sitting so that you as caregiver and the child can have direct eye contact. This important aspect of adult-child interaction supports: non-verbal body language and cues comfort making eye contact Feelings of security Feelings of importance and worth Focused attention for both the caregiver and child on their shared interactions

  • Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!

    We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your Wix Blog. Blogging from Your Wix Blog Dashboard On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more. To head to your Dashboard, open the Wix Editor and click on Blog > Posts. Blogging from Your Published Site Did you know that you can blog right from your published website? After you publish your site, go to your website’s URL and login with your Wix account. There you can write and edit posts, manage comments, pin posts and more! Just click on the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) to see all the things you can do. #bloggingtips #WixBlog

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